Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What is the best site to download free PSP Go games from?

LOL, looking at all of these answers.
a few points to make:
1)yes, you do need a pandora battery and a magic memory stick, here is a tutorial on how to make both, suggestion: buy a pandora battery instead of making one, some sites have it cheap.

An easy-to-use DVD to iPhone software which enables you to convert DVD to MP4, H.264, MP3, AAC, WAV and M4A which can be played freely and perfectly on your iPhone.

Dont be afraid of bricking(breaking) your psp. You can downgrade it using a pandora battery and magic memorystick again if you do. HOWEVER, this does not mean you dont have to be careful, be cautious and follow directions carefully.
Your computer is connected to your router or modem at 100mbps, but your router/modem is likely connected to the internet at a much lower speed. So, anything that has to go out of your own network (basically, the internet) is bottlenecked by the slowest connection. An optimal 100mbps can achieve approximately 11.5MB/sec.

DVD to Apple TV Converter, award-winning DVD to Apple TV Video Converter to rip, proves professional to convert DVD to Apple TV video easily.

Referring to the bottleneck situation above, the bottleneck may not necessarily be your internet connection.
The only thing I can suggest is..[probably you don't want to hear..] that get a cable internet. Believe me you wouldn't go back to dial up ever again.
what is your connection speed? click on the link to check ur speed. Usually on dial up connection R very slow.
If the server you're downloading from is slow, then you're going to get a slow speed.
Depending on the quality of your ISP, your connection quality may not necessarily be consistent. This is especially the case with Cable providers, where everyone in your neighborhood shares the same line.
There's a reason why the internet is called the "information superhighway," and that's because the internet functions pretty much like a set of highways.
Your 100mbps connection from your computer to your router is like a driveway with a 11500 KB/sec speed limit. Then, your cable connection is basically like a narrow highway with approximately 2000 KB/sec speed limit (depending on your provider), but because it's shared, it almost always is in a state of a traffic jam; how bad depends on the time. Then, the server has its own driveway, and just like an inadequately designed parking lot, those may jam too.
General idea is - most likely, it's out of your control. Call your ISP and yell at them.
There's actually a number of things going on here:

With TOD Converter, it is so easy to quickly and perfectly convert tod file.

100mbps indicates your LAN connection, but not your overall internet connection.

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